
From Monkey to Moth - new book by Hugh Major April 07 2016

From Monkey to Moth: an imaginal evolution

Hugh Major's second book was published and March and will be officially launched at the Takapuna Library on the 9th of April.

The Travelling Tuna Tapestry March 20 2013

Velvet's Travelling Tuna Tapestry is a taniwha-sized longfin eel made of recycled cloth constructed by over 5000 people within and beyond New Zealand. The tapestry not only depicts a velvety longfin eel, but also showcases the great diversity of wildlife found in New Zealand's water. School groups, museums, and individuals all around the country, from Kaitaia to Invercargill, added panels to the tapestry as it travelled around New Zealand from 2011 through 2013.

Growing Gardeners Book Launch August 20 2008

Every organic garden is a miniature ecosystem. When we learn about how nature's cycles apply to our gardens, we are able to grow fresh organic food in healthy garden ecosystems.

In magical organic gardens nature provides new lessons every day, such as how organic gardens depend on nature's cycles for everything from making soil and fixing nitrogen to pollinating plants, how organic gardens can slow climate change.

Feed Me Right Wellington Book Launch May 08 2007

Ms Kedgley held a copy of Feed Me Right throughout her talk and declared her whole-hearted support for the book, advocating that "every school and every family should have a copy."

"I believe this is the most comprehensive book on health and wellness for adolescents that we have seen," Ms Kedgley said.


Papawai Press Launch April 19 2007

Feed Me Right, published by new company Papawai Press, was launched by 102 year Zella Roberts who attributes her astonishing health and longevity to a diet of fresh produce and wholefoods.