What's that living in my Stream? Whitebait by Amber McEwan
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Have you seen our gorgeous galaxiids in your local stream?
Our gorgeous what?
Well, maybe you haven't seen them. These beautiful native fish are shy and often can't be seen, not only because some of them are only active at night, but because their numbers are declining.
Why aren't there so many of them anymore?
... it's because of some of the things that we humans are doing; like polluting our waterways, and removing plants and trees that provide shade. And we eat them!
Eat them?
Yes! The babies of these wonderful native fish are whitebait, and some people take so many that not enough grow into adult kokopu, inanga and koaro. But enough talk; come inside and find out the full story.
About Amber...
Amber McEwan is a freshwater biologist who is passionate about conservation, particularly of New Zealand's freshwater ecosystems. After her first child was born she realised that, while there were a number of children's books about kiwi and tuatara and other New Zealand native animals, there was nothing about our beautiful native fish. So, Amber set about writing a series of books, the first of which aims to share the really exciting story of New Zealand galaxiid fish with those who will be looking after them in the future - kids.
Paperback | 210 x 270 mm | 978-0-9922610-0-9 | 19 August 2013 | Non-fiction | 24 pages |
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